@extends('frontend.layouts.master') @section('title', $user->name) @section('content') {{ $user->name }} Home Account @if ($errors->has('file')) Error! {{ $errors->first('file') }} × @endif {{ csrf_field() }} {!! method_field('patch') !!} Select New Avatar {{ csrf_field() }} {!! method_field('delete') !!} Delete Avatar Profile Password Social Connections Notifications {{ csrf_field() }} {!! method_field('patch') !!} Display Name @if ($errors->has('name')){{ $errors->first('name') }}@endif E-Mail @if ($errors->has('email')){{ $errors->first('email') }}@endif Location (Optional) @if ($errors->has('location')){{ $errors->first('location') }}@endif About Me (Optional) {{ old('bio') ? old('bio') : $user->bio }} @if ($errors->has('bio')){{ $errors->first('bio') }}@endif Update Profile {{ csrf_field() }} Current Password @if ($errors->has('old_password')){{ $errors->first('old_password') }}@endif New Password @if ($errors->has('new_password')){{ $errors->first('new_password') }}@endif Confirm New Password @if ($errors->has('new_password_confirmation')){{ $errors->first('new_password_confirmation') }}@endif Change Password Facebook @if(!empty($user->google_id)) Disconnect Facebook @else Connect to Facebook @endif Google @if(!empty($user->google_id)) Disconnect Google @else Connect to Google @endif Coming Soon! @endsection
Coming Soon!